freeradius tutorial–part 1

for 3 days i do something stupid , coz i’m stupid of course

what i want to do is build the billing system for some voip company then i choose freeradius and postgresql as db engine

postgres was choosen since some people said it’s more powerful and have more feature than mysql, and it’s ok for me to try

i can understand the configuration etc, but the hardest thing is how to add custom field to postgresql , after googling i did not find anything that can help me, i iknow the query but where do i have to put the modification

and finally i found it he he and i’ll share the guide

it is nice to use freeradius and logging all accounting to some database engine like mysql or postgresql the easiest way is compile the freeradius source file , extract thur e source then configure, make and make instal

on other section i will also explain how to install the postgresql from the source and then do accounting to postgresql, i have a reason why i choose to install the postgresql from, it is flexibility

by compiling the source you know what you want .. unless you just do configure make and make install 🙂 and i’m too lazy to build the rpm by myself

you will have it installed on your /usr/local by default,configuration you can find on /usr/local/etc/raddb

what you need to modify then ?

1.  edit the clients.conf  add the following

client client_ip_addtess {

secret      = th_secret_password

shortname=any_name represent the radius client

nastype = this could be cisco,computone, livingstone,max40xx,multitech,netserver,pathras,patton,portslave,tc …etc